2016牛房兒童藝術樂園──齊齊展 II | Ox Warehouse Children's Artland 2016 – Jolly Joint Exhibition II

2016牛房兒童藝術樂園──齊齊展 II
Ox Warehouse Children's Artland 2016 – Jolly Joint Exhibition II


今年牛房的兒童藝術樂園除了以展覽為主外,也加入了影話戲這部份,小孩可以自主構思故事,製作紙偶及佈景,也作幕前的演出,讓小孩更多方面去接觸藝術。展覽期間更會有親子工作坊,以導賞和實驗為主的工作坊,給大家知道展覽背後的故事,來看看玩玩做創作。首次與孩子創意行動挑戰賽合作工作坊,讓兒童藝術樂園更多面向,找回小孩潛藏在內的無限創意及實行能力。壓軸的是至友Flea Market,適合任何人士參與,有創意攤位、親子工作坊、兒童遊戲區及現場表演等的節目。

The Jolly Joint Exhibition features works by interested participants, old and young, especially kids. All kinds of children’s visual artworks of varied forms, in paper or other materials, are presented in the big warehouse. We’ve collaborated and exchanged with many organizations to host a variety of workshops featuring works by kids, showing a kaleidoscopic world of colors, imagination, and inspiration.

This year, besides the exhibition, Ox Warehouse Children’s Artland will also include shadow play, offering kids a chance to construct the story, make shadow puppets and stage props, thus participating directly in the performance and become acquainted with this art form. Moreover, a parallel parent-child workshop featuring guided tours and experiments will present behind-the-scenes stories and give participants a chance to have fun creating works. We have worked with Design For Change Macau for the first time to host this workshop, with the aim of adding a new dimension to Children’s Artland and awakening kids’ unbounded imagination as well as encouraging them to put their ideas into practice. The highlight is the flea market, and everyone is welcome to participate. It includes booths selling creative stuff, a parent-child workshop, a children’s playground, and live shows.

開幕 Opening Ceremony30/07/2016(六Sat4:00 p.m.
展期Exhibition period30/07/2016 – 18/9/2016(逢週二休息Closed on Tuesdays
地點Venue牛房倉庫 Ox warehouse
免費入場 Free Admission

影話戲 Shadow Play(開幕場 Session for Opening Ceremony):
30/07/2016 (六Sat4:30 p.m.
影話戲 Shadow Play(公開場-需購票 Public Sessions – Tickets required):
06/08/2016 (六Sat3:30 & 5:00 p.m.
至友 Flea Market
1011/09/2016 (六、日Sat & Sun 12:00-7:00 p.m.

影話戲 Shadow Play(公開場Public Sessions):
演出時間 Duration40分鐘 min
購票地點Ticketing:牛房倉庫 Ox Warehouse
票價 Price16歲以上50元、16歲以下40 $50 for 16 or above; $40 for under 16
折扣 Discount:購買29折,385折,4張以上8折。10% off for 2; 15% off for 3; 20% off for 4 or more

主辦Organizer:牛房倉庫Ox Warehouse
合作單位 Partners : 吱喳兒童藝術工作室 Ji-Ja Art Workshop/井井三一兒童繪本書屋 Júbilo 31/風盒子社區藝術發展協會 Artistry of Wind Box Community Development Association/澳門至友協會 Best Buddies Macau 孩子創意行動挑戰賽(澳門區)Design For Change Macau
贊助 Sponsors:文化局ICM、澳門基金會Macau Foundation

No Cruzamento da Avenida do Coronel Mesquita com a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau
開放時間Opening Hours12:00 ~19:00 (Closed on Tuesdays)
查詢 For Enquiry : 28530026
電郵 E-mailoxwarehouse@gmail.com
網址Website: https://www.facebook.com/oxwarehouse/?fref=ts
