末日再生──台灣・澳門|LOST IN THE MÖBIUS-Taiwan・Macau



此計畫成型於2014年,在前期駐地澳門的研究過程中,發現今日看來,臺灣與澳門兩座島嶼之間在城市發展樣貌上展現的關連性並不強烈,但事實上,彼此之間的交織與連動可追溯至四百多年前,大航海時期的第⼀波全球化與市場貿易發展,兩地的命運以海線為基礎展開,進而影響了兩地接下來幾百年的區域發展、殖民和經濟,並與東亞其他國家形成網絡狀的交織,形塑各自的命運歷程,其中擁有許多相互照映之處。在這樣的思考脈絡中,在進駐澳門過後,結合對於台灣的思考,我們提出了三個討論面向,包括政治與歷史層面的「解殖」、從當代消費與城市景觀所切入討論的「城市迪士尼化」,以及由政治上層所建構傳播的「當代神話」,企圖展開兩地在歷史與現況之中的探索與理解。這些思考再度回應展覽主題中「末日」與「再生」的關係狀態,並非是對立或線性的兩個端點,而生存於城市之中的感受,像是處在一個不斷翻轉的「莫比烏斯環」 (Möbius Band)的立體翻轉結構中,沒有絕對的「正、負」和「內、外」,而是在無限大且相連的「」中持續旋轉。

“Doomsday” and “Revival” seem to be two antithetical concepts but they connote many issues of human life and survival. These issues are closely related to the history, culture, politics, society and economy of places/regions. The exhibition Lost in the Möbius in Ox Warehouse invites eight groups of artists in total from Taiwan and Macau to undertake residence research projects and to use reflexive thinking to develop their works on the topics of Taiwan and Macau. They trace back and understand the ramification, overlapping and intersection in different colonial history respectively and the cultural features developed under modernity. Through rethinking of identity issues in relation to the environment through artworks, this exhibition summarizes and explores our positions and connections within the ever-growing globalization and urban development in Asia.

This project officially commenced in 2014. At the early residency stage in Macau, although there seem to be very few connections between the urban development and city landscapes of Taiwan and Macau. However, in fact, the connections between the two places could be traced back to 400 years ago. When the first wave of globalization and market trading developed, the destiny of Taiwan and Macau was expanded by seal, and then influenced the regional development, colonization and economics of two places in the following hundreds of years. In addition, they also interwove with other East Asian countries, shaping their own trajectories of destiny. In this context, combining our thinking on Taiwan with the residence experience in Macau, we came up with three dimensions for discussion, attempting to explore and perceive the history and the status quo of two places. First, we deal with “decolonization” on the political and the historical aspects. The second dimension is related to the discussion of “the disneyization of society” in terms of contemporary consumerism and urban landscape. The last dimension we deal with is the “contemporary myth” that is constructed and disseminated at a political level. These dimensions respond to the research theme of the relations between “Doomsday” and “Revival” from different angles, neither simply binary oppositions nor two linear ends. The state of a city life is like traveling through the trajectory on a ‘Möbius Band’, which is never absolutely “positive versus negative” or “inside versus outside. We travel in an infinite, continuous“∞”.

開幕Opening Ceremony15/10/2016(星期六Saturday4:00 P.M.
展期Exhibition Period14/1020/11/2016 (逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays
地點Venue:牛房倉庫地下展廳 Ground Floor Gallery of Ox Warehouse
免費入場 Free Admission

黃兆琳 Wong Siu-Lam Natalie、賴依欣 Lai Yi-Hsin Nicole

參展藝術家 Participating Artists
深力一夫 Yves Etienne Sonolet、李姿玲 Lee Tzu-Ling、李少莊 Lei Sio-Chong Bianca、吳方洲 Ng Fong-Chao Noah、陳伯義 Chen Po-I、霍凱盛 Eric Fok、其實你不懂我的心 You Don’t Know Me At All(邱子晏 Ciou Zih-yan、倪祥 Ni-Hsiang、陳俊宇Chen Chun-Yu)、機本工 Kimoto Ko(朱盈樺 Chu Yin Hua、徐子涵 Hsu Tzu Han、林冠言 Lin Kuan Yen

聯合展出 Also Introduce
李珮瑜 Lee Pei-Yu

主辦Organizer:牛房倉庫 Ox Warehouse、草埕文化藝術工作室 Art Square Tainan
贊助單位 Sponsors:澳門文化局 ICM、澳門基金會Macao Foundation
No Cruzamento da Avenidado Coronel MesquitacomaAvenida Almirante Lacerda Macau
開放時間Opening Hours12:00 ~19:00(逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays
查詢 For Enquiry : 28530026

電郵 E-mailoxwarehouse@gmail.com
