我自在.人情在 「 I am here: where Love is. 」2010
【我自在.人情在】 「 I am here: where Love is. 」2010 ![]() 開幕Opening︰ 2:00pm, 25 /12 / 2010 (Sat.) 開檔日期Date: 25, 26 / 12 / 2010 (週六、日) 01, 02 / 01 / 2011(週六、日) 繼2007年「我自在— 創意張揚跳蚤市場」第一次於牛房倉庫實驗性擺檔後,今年2010年於聖誕節12月25、26日及2011年元旦1月1日、2日將會再次隆重開檔! 今次「我自在」以「人情在」為主題,由十位本地創作人聯手構思與製作,將日常生活中的細膩感想轉化為創作動力,每位創作人落手落腳,將其精心製作之藝術品配合攤位佈置於牛房倉庫擺賣。 物件製作之精美與吸引力固然重要,但最為難得的,是每一位創作人的心思和心意,務求達到銷售效果之餘,更希望透過是次活動,帶出在當前現實社會中,越來越買少見少的「人情味」。 參加擺檔的創作人包括了本地攝影師、雜誌編輯、派對搞手、傢俱設計師、市場策劃經理、設計系學生、家庭主婦等等。 是次參加擺賣之每件物件皆獨一無二,專為今次「我自在—人情在」之主題而創作,又正值聖誕與元旦佳節,歡迎大家男女老幼一同參與,萬勿錯過! The year 2007 is the first attempt of ‘Ready Made – Creative Flea Market’ to be hold in OX Warehouse. It will be opened again ceremoniously in 2010, 25th & 26th, December and 1st & 2nd January, 2011! The topic of this year’s Flea Market is ‘The Present of Friendliness’. Details sentiments in daily life will convert to the sources of creativity. Ten creative workers will contribute their ideas and produce. Every creative worker will make their works by themselves and to sell their elaborate pieces in the Flea Market. The exquisite and the attractiveness are important, however the ideas and friendliness matter as well. The activity is not only about buying and selling, most importantly is to show ‘The Present of Friendliness’ which becomes less and less common in the practical world nowadays. The creative workers who join this Flea Market includes local photographer, magazine editor, party holder, furniture designer, marketing strategic manager, design student and housewife, etc.Pieces that will be sold in the flea market are unique and solely created for the topic of ‘Ready Made: The Present of Friendliness’. As it is the happy Christmas and New Year’s Day as well, we welcome everyone to join, don’t miss it! 策展人 Curator: 郭恬熙 Alice Kok 創作人 Creatives: 馮慧敏 Anita Fung 唐嘉文 Carmen Tong 蔣靜華 Catherine Cheong 陳嘉強 Chan Ka Keong 鄭雯庭 Cheng Man Ting 戚麗娟 Doris Chek 彭志堅 Keith Pang 老二 Lao Er 謝玉玲 Lavinia Che 陳美穠 Lydia Chan 林月寧 Rita Lam 許國明 Vincent Hoi 黃祺昌 Wong Kei Cheong 主辦 Presented by︰婆仔屋藝術空間 Old Ladies' House Art Space 贊助 Sponsor︰澳門民政總署 IACM, 澳門基金會 Macau Foundation 地點 Location : 牛房倉庫 Ox Warehouse (美副將大馬路與罅些喇提督大馬路交界No Cruzamento entro a Avenida Do coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau) 開放時間 Opening Hours : 12:00 - 7:00 p.m. 逢周二休息 Closed on Tuesdays 電話 Tel : (853)2853 0026 傳真 Fax : (853)2853 3047 電郵 E-mail :oxwarehouse@gmail.com 網頁 Website : http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com |