建構微形空間創意工作坊 Creativity of Mini-Space’s Construction Workshop ![]() 當大家都把目光投向今年的建築設計大觀園—上海世界博覽會時,身在遠方的牛房也有所行動,我們請來本地專業建築師利安豪(Rui Leao)先生來牛房倉庫辦一個別開生面的建築創作工作坊,希望透過練習對想像中的空間做一次實驗性的探索旅程,讓學員藉着憑空幻想找到落地實現的可能。 收費:Mop.200-(凡四堂皆出席並完成作業的均會退回) 人數:不超過15人 報名:高中或以上,對立體空間創作有濃厚興趣,曾參加牛房活動者優先。 工作坊上堂時間:8月21,22,28,29下午2點至5點 地點:牛房倉庫(如有改動,會專人通知) While everyone in the world is attracted by the constructions and designs in the Expo 2010 Shanghai, Ox Warehouse are taking action as well. We have invited the local architect Mr. Rui Leao to direct an unique and advance workshop which is related to creativity in architecture. Through an experimental exploration bases on practices toward imaginary spaces, participants are able to have the opportunity to realize their imagination. Fee: Mop 200 (Fees will be returned for participants who have attended all the four lessons and have completed the required task.) Number of Participants: No more than 15 persons. Targets: Secondary school graduated. Interested toward the creation of 3D spaces. People who have joined Ox Warehouse’s activities in the past will be considered as priority. Date: 21, 22, 28, 29 Aug. 14:00 – 17:00 Venue: Ox Warehouse (If there are any changes, participates will be informed.) |