當代動態影像藝術活動Contemporary Moving Image Activity - 中國獨立影像1+1展 Chinese Independent Film 1+1 Festival 策展人curator:張亞璇 Zhang Yaxuan 15/01/2010, 星期五Fri 8:30pm - 《14:28》 導演director: 杜海濱 Du Haibin* 此片勇奪第66屆威尼斯影展最佳紀錄片大獎。This film won the 2009 Venice International Film Festival Orizzonti Prize Best documentary. 而導演杜海濱將出席放映後談論會。The director will attend the post-screening discussion. 16/01/2010, 星期六 Sat 8:30pm - 《尋找智美更登》The Search 導演director: 萬瑪才旦Pema Tseden** 此片去年獲第12屆上海電影節評審團大獎。This film won the Jury Grand Prix on the 12th Shanghai International Film Festival 2009. 此片由杜海濱推薦,而他將出席放映後談論會。This film is recommended by Du Haibin who will attend the post-screening discussion. ____________________________________________________________________ 杜海濱 《14:28》 2009,紀錄,HDV,彩色,115分鐘,中英文字幕 ![]() 片名直接取自2008年5月12日汶川大地震發生的時間:14點28分。作者在地震發生後第一時間趕赴現場,與已經聚集在那裏的眾多媒體工作者一起展開了他的記錄;此後一年間,他多次重返。他最終完成的作品,提供了一個與大眾傳媒全然不同的角度,令我們得以在延續的時間裏,看到那些劫後餘生的人們,如何承受他們的傷痛,然後繼續生活。 沒有單一的敍述線索,在將近兩個小時的時間裏,“14.28”描述眾生態。它展現人與自然,與社會,與自我記憶的關係,仍是直接電影的方式,含蓄,克制,不動聲色,然而包含了作者明確的態度和對社會制度以及權力關係的思考。 但是也沒有利用這種關係,影片始終保持一種樸實的觀察。這種樸實毋寧說來自於一個紀錄片工作者的本色。所以有評論稱,“(它)以憫人的目光觀察一個已被高度關注的世界,同時也令人反思社會事件與日常生活如何被以不同方式呈現出來”。 杜海濱,1972年生於陝西,在寶雞和西安度過少年時代。1996年考入北京電影學院攝影系。在校期間用Hi-8拍攝了他的第一個作品《竇豆》(1999)——一個青年同鄉的肖像,畢業前後又完成了《鐵路沿線》(2000年)——鐵路邊上一群流浪漢的生活,它是DV製作在中國初起時的代表作之一。此後以幾乎每年一部的速度,杜海濱先後完成了《高樓下面》(2002),《北京紀事》(劇情短片,2003),《人面桃花》(2005),《電影/童年》(2005),《石山》(2006)。 2007年的《傘》和2009年的《14.28》,令他兩次入選威尼斯地平線單元。 Du Haibin 14.28 2009, Documentary, HDV, Color, 115min, Chines & English subtitles The “Great Sichuan Earthquake” took place at 14:28 on May 12, 2008. The shooting started 10 days after the disaster, and the filmmaker returned on the spot several times during one year. Scenes not seen on official TV, “survival” is the keyword. Without judgment but with a deep compassion for their subjects, the filmmaker brings us a myriad of individual stories of absurdity, confusion and grief. With approaches of “Direct Cinema”, keeping the camera in a distance of observation, it shows kind of simplicity of the style, which we suppose come from the nature of a documentary filmmaker. He is not hurry to show his attitude and opinions up to the audience but hide them in the every sequence, through which the reflection on the social system and the power relationship could be interpreted. So the review said, “Through a sympathetic angle, the film observes a world which has already been focused on; meanwhile it gives reflection on different ways by which a social event and the daily life may be unfolded.” Du Haibin was born in 1972 in Shannxi province and studied Photography Dept. of Beijing Film Academy during 1996-2000. In the 3rd year of the school, he made a short documentary Doudou (1999) , a portrait on one of his young native friends; the next year he presented Along the Railway, depicting a group of homeless people’s life, which came to be one a work of reference for DV works in China. Thereafter he has been able to produce one work every year. His films include: Under the Skyscraper (2002), Life in Beijing (short film, 2003), Beautiful Men (2005), Film / Childhood (2005) and Stone Mountain (2006). With Umbrella (2007)and 14.28 (2009), he has been selected twice in Horizon of International Film Festival Venice. ____________________________________________________________________ 萬馬才旦《尋找智美更登》 2007年,劇情,HDV,彩色,112分鐘,中文字幕 ![]() 這是導演的第二部劇情長片,歷時三年完成。它的故事簡單至極,或者幾乎可以說沒有故事;它的劇情建立在一個動作之上,如片名所示,這個動作是尋找。智美更登是藏戲中的王子,心懷巨大的慈悲,他將自己所有,包括妻兒和眼睛都施捨給了世人……片中的導演在尋找一位能夠飾演智美更登的演員,影片呈現了他們在這一路上,經過的村莊,寺院,看到,聽到的人和故事——藉由這樣的視角,我們看到了藏區人民生活和精神世界的現實;而這其中的故事,談的主要是愛情。 但這並不意味著,《尋找智美更登》僅僅是一部關於愛情的電影。它令人深深感動,不是因為司機和那位演藏戲的女孩各自對感情的執著,而是導演寄託在這個尋找過程中的情懷——當我們意識到智美更登不僅僅是傳說中的人物,更可以是整個藏族傳統文化靈魂的象徵,這層寄託就會變得格外分明。 因此這是一部文化意義上的懷鄉之作。那種與身份有關的鄉愁深蘊在影片的每一個場景之中,並且表達地謙卑,含蓄——影片未經言明的背景,是這種文化在當代的境遇,作者並非外鄉人,但他也處於這種境遇之中;他的文化之於他,就如那蒙面的女孩,可能如影隨形,然而美女的面容,終於難以看清,也無從描述——但他必須描述,這是“尋找”的全部動力和根由。 萬馬才旦1969年生於青海海南藏族自治州,先後就讀于西北民族大學與北京電影學院。1991年開始用藏、漢文發表文學作品,2002年開始劇情與紀錄電影的拍攝。第一部短片《靜靜的嘛呢石》獲國內外多個優秀短片獎,2005年完成第一部同名劇情長片。 Pema Tseden THE SEARCH 2007,Drama,HDV,Color,112min,Chinese Subtitle The Search, as the second feature film of Tibetan filmmaker Pema Tseden, begins as a quest for actors for a film adaptation of a Tibetan play about Prince Drime Kunden, a saint who gave away all his worldly possessions. It organically evolves into an offbeat cultural album of Tibetan people as well as a cinematic pilgrimage to understand their lifestyles and religious heritage. It traces a special “road movie” with a vague boundary between documentary and fiction. Further than a search for an actor or a spiritual quest, the filmmaker, with his root in the Tibetan plateau, develops a reflection on the future of their own civilization. Pema Tseden was born in 1969 in Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province, graduated from Northwest University of Nationalities and then Beijing Film Academy. He started his writings since 1991, in both Chinese and Tibetan, and started to make fiction and documentary films since 2002. His first short, The Silent Holy Stones, has won several awards in China and abroad. In 2005 he finished his first feature with the same title. _________________________________________ 地點Venue:牛房倉庫,澳門美副將大馬路與罅些喇提督大馬路交界 Ox warehouse, No Cruzamento entro a Avenida do Coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau 主辦 organisation:澳門婆仔屋藝術空間 Old Ladies’ House Art Space 合辦 Co-organisation: 中國北京798 藝術區伊比利亞當代藝術中心影像檔案館CIFA, Chinese Independent Film Archive, 798 Art Zone, Beijing, China 贊助 sponsors:澳門特區政府民政總署 IACM 鳴謝 special thanks to: 李銳俊和嚴瀟瀟 J Lei and Xiaoxiao Yan. 查詢For enquiry:28530026 (12:00 ~ 19:00, Closed on Tuesdays) 傳真Fax:28533047 電郵 網頁Website: |