


駐場藝術家計劃:海邊筆記——石玩玩個人展 Artist-in-Residence Program: Notes By The Sea——A Shi Wanwan Solo Exhibition

  藝術家 Artist :石玩玩 Shi Wanwan 策展人 Curator :宋振熙 Song Zhenxi 學術主持 Academic Host :管懷賓 Guan Huaibin 展覽的想法來自於澳門從 16 世界大航海時代來臨後直到 19 世紀的世界大轉變中的特殊位置,以及歷史印記在如今市民中間中的反映。澳門的殖民地歷史始於鴉片戰爭終於 1999 年世紀回歸 ,是歐洲殖民者在東亞的第一個殖民地,也是最後一塊殖民地 —— 歷史「止於此,始於斯」。現在澳門回復到一個南海邊的國際化都市,曾經的風雲滄桑與如今的祥和。在這次澳門展覽中,石玩玩試圖在居住期間與澳門進行觀察和交流,完成一系列與澳門有關的作品。藝術家將一如既往往的 運用其擅長的方式,通過對地域,場所,空間,社群,觀察與思考,形成藝術的角度,通過作品反映時代,話語權,社會經濟關係和文化記憶。 This exhibition is inspired by Macao's special place between 16th century in the Discovery Age and 19th century when the world was undergoing tremendous transformations, presenting historical marks left on its citizens today. Macao’s colonial period began with the Opium War and ended in 1999 upon its return to China. It was the first and the last European colony in East Asia – We can say (European colonial) history "ends and begins here”. Today, Macao shines as an international city on the coast of the South China Sea, peaceful, with marks of past vicissitudes. During his residence in Macao, Sh...


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