Seeds in Spring – Open Call Selection for Exhibition at Ox Warehouse
Enter Please-Works by Cathleen Lau
展覽日期 Exhibition Period:4-26/2/2017
開幕 Opening Session:4/2/2017 4:00PM
駐場日期 Residence Period: 4, 19, 25,
展覽簡介 Introduction
Everyday we exist and live in certain place-working, playing, thinking, studying, eating, drinking, resting and
sleeping. A person existence depends much on his family and also Nature.
Support of Nature seems to be a kind of natural and invisible support. The
evolution of organism and lives, and gradually until the human beings emerged.
It is Nature which gives birth to human beings. Men build up their homes by
which babies and youngsters are being protected and human beings are
furnishing. As developments go on, how important is ‘family’ to human existence
? And how should families be organized?
In this exhibition, there will be five
works for presentation. They are :
i) the Tree Vine, ii) Building, iii) Patio,
iv) Insider, v) Bricks. The artworks will be placed like a route of Chinese
traditional garden. First it will come up with the tree vine combined by
mortise and tenon, reminding there are deep relation
between Man and Nature-they are depending on each other. Then audience will walk through a
narrow bed frame that symbolizes the flattened living space in Hong Kong. Precipitation
under the light projection is somewhat like swimming in deep water. Finally,
where we will be looking for is a comfortable shelter. We are thinking of “our
駐場計劃 Residence Project
4/2/2017 (六 Sat)
- 小導賞 Guided Tour
19/2/2017 (日 Sun)
- 工作坊:築起小木榫-迷你小板櫈
Workshop: Mortise and Tenon Making-Mini wooden beach
- 現埸實驗──沒有牆的家:觀眾可以用泥磚釋放力量
25-26/2/2017(六、日 Sat & Sun)
- 現埸實驗──沒有牆的家/木屑雕:預備不同小磚讓觀眾一起雕
駐場日期 Residence Period: 4, 19, 25, 26/2/2017
藝術家簡介 Artist Biography
劉菁兒LAU Cathleen Ching Yee
現在就讀澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學及香港藝術學院合辨的藝術文學學士,主修雕塑。去年修畢純藝術高級文憑,並獲「最佳作品獎(雕塑)」。曾參與不同的社區藝術,如土瓜灣社區藝術收成展及賽馬會社區藝術雙年展。在2016 年獲得台北藝術自由日作品優選獎。
LAU Cathleen Ching Yee has been studying
Bachelor of Fine Arts with major in sculpture in RMIT University. I received
the Higher Diploma of Fine Art in Hong Kong Art School in 2015 and awarded with
“The Best Art Work (Sculpture)”. I involved in various art activities in the
community. For example, Tokwawan Community Arts Harvest Exhibition and
Students’ Artwork of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Arts Biennale. And I
have awarded Selected Artwork Prize in 2016 Taipei Art Free Fair.
I have been focusing on the usage of wood
and wood-dust being main medium in my creative works. In practice research, I
also explored different type of renewable materials. My creative work shows the
space between visible and invisible. I am considering on different “tension
relations” among individual, community and society. And also concerned on the
relation between humanity and nature as well as local issues.
Due to lack of living area in Hong Kong, I
decided to question on ‘Space‘ by my sculptural work.
地點Venue:牛房倉庫地下展廳 Ground Floor Gallery of Ox Warehouse
免費入場 Free Admission
主辦Organizer:牛房倉庫 Ox Warehouse
贊助單位 Sponsor:澳門基金會Macao Foundation
No Cruzamento da Avenidado Coronel MesquitacomaAvenida Almirante Lacerda Macau
開放時間Opening Hours:12:00 ~19:00(逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays)
查詢 For Enquiry : 28530026