跨域- 澳門.台灣藝術交流展 / Cross-Boundary – Macao-Meets-Taiwan: Artistic Exchange Exhibition

牛房倉庫將於1214(星期六)下午四時正,舉行「跨域」──澳門.台灣藝術交流展的 開幕活動,屆時還有行為藝術表演。台灣和澳門均經歷過了大發現時代而被西方世界所認識,在不同時期不斷接收外來文化,但兩個地區真正踏上世界舞台也不過是上世紀末的事。到了二十一世紀藝術家們要面對的是更複雜的狀況。藝術的語言已經不能以單一的形式去解讀。藝術界亦不再以媒材為藝術家的專業去分門別類,跨媒體或跨領域的創作和研究如雨後春筍。五花百門的技術、形式及題材是對藝術創作的一種挑戰!對於跨域,藝術家們如何去理解及實踐?
是次展覽活動由牛房倉庫藝術空間主辦,澳門民政總署,澳門文化局及澳門基金會贊助,於牛房倉庫地下展廳舉行,展期由20131215日至2014131日,免費開放,歡迎市民出席參與。牛房倉庫位於澳門美副將大馬路與提督馬路交界,開放時間為中午十二時至晚上七時,逢星期二休息。查詢可電2853 0026或電郵至oxwarehouse@gmail.com,亦可瀏覽牛房網址http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com/



Bruno Oliveira
João Rui Freixo de Oliveira
João Manuel de Melo Jorge de Magalhães



Cross-Boundary – Macao-Meets-Taiwan: Artistic Exchange Exhibition

Ox Warehouse will inaugurate Cross-Boundary – Macao-Meets-Taiwan: Artistic Exchange Exhibition4pm December 14, Saturday.The inaugurationwill be enlivened byPerformance art shows.
The Age of Discoveryin the 1500’sbrought togetherTaiwan and Macau and made both known to the West. Since thenthey have been assimilating alien cultures over different periods, but only in the late 20th century the two territoriesstood firmly on the world stage.Now in the21th century, artists face more complex environments and artistic languages can’t be viewedas unidimensional. Also,special fields are no longer defined by its creative media, as cross-media and cross-boundary creativity and relatedstudies flourish, becoming the trend. The vast array of techniques, formats and themes constitutes quite a challenge for artistic creation! In this context, how do artistsperceive and realize the‘cross-boundary’concept?

To answer, this exhibition takes on a special format, inviting two curatorswho are artists themselves in different media, one from Macau and the other from Taiwan, to explore this topic together. They will try to showcase, in a familiar or unfamiliar approach,experiences of their march from the past into the trend expressed by Taiwan and Macau artists.

Organised by the Ox Warehouse Art Space, sponsored by IACM, the Cultural Affairs Bureau and Macau Foundation, the exhibition will run at ground floor exhibition hall, Ox Warehouse (Address: No Cruzamentoentro a Avenida Do coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau), from December15, 2013to January 31, 2014 (12:00 -19:00; closed on Tuesdays). Art aficionados and interested citizens are most welcome to visit. Admission is free.

For more information, please visit http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com/ or follow Ox Warehouse on Facebook.

For enquiries, write to oxwarehouse@gmail.com or call 28530026.

Featured Artist:

Macau Curator
Gigi Lee

Taiwan Curator
Li Tian-ning

Featured Macau Artists
Bruno Oliveira
João Rui Freixo de Oliveira
João Manuel de Melo Jorge de Magalhães
Cheng Man Hong
Catherine, CHEONG Cheng Wa

Featured Taiwan Artists
Yuan Zhi-li
Kao Yating
Chen Hung-Chun
Hsieh Mu-Chi
