EXiM 2013 - 16mm多重投影表演
韓國藝術家李幸俊(Hangjun Lee)親臨澳門以四部16mm放映機進行一場多重投影的表演。除了能觀看到16mm膠卷的作品之外,最重要是感受李幸俊以多重投影的拼貼和即興的現場演繹所呈現出一種擴延電影的精神。
Hangjun Lee, Korean artist, comes to Macao giving a performance of multi-projection with four 16mm film projectors. Except for watching 16mm films, feeling an essence of expanded cinema conveyed by Hangjun’s improvisatory live performance with multi-projection collage will be the most significant part.
2013年12月7日 晚上7時半
7th of December 7:30PM
Hangjun Lee, Korean artist, comes to Macao giving a performance of multi-projection with four 16mm film projectors. Except for watching 16mm films, feeling an essence of expanded cinema conveyed by Hangjun’s improvisatory live performance with multi-projection collage will be the most significant part.
2013年12月7日 晚上7時半
7th of December 7:30PM