2013雀仔園社區藝術計劃 ﹣藝術著陸雀仔園開幕
2013雀仔園社區藝術計劃 ﹣藝術著陸雀仔園
BairroHorta da Mitra-based community art project - Art
Lands on the Bird Paradise
牛房倉庫將於11 月3日(星期日)下午四時雀仔園福德祠土地廟舉行2013雀仔園社區藝術計劃 ﹣「藝術著陸雀仔園」的開幕,活動由牛房倉庫主辦,得到雀仔園土地廟福德祠的全力支持及協助。開幕當天2:30設有座談會《社區與藝術對談》,開幕式後將進行首次的遊園活動,由策展人及術家帶大家一起去尋寶。歡迎各界人仕參與。
藝術如何在不知不覺間著陸老舊的街市? 自去年年底醞釀至今年六月起,整整超過一年從構思到執行"「藝術著陸雀仔園」終於進入了作品展示的階段。
電話: 2853 0026
傳真: 2853 3047
14:30 座談會《社區與藝術對談》
16:00 開幕
16:30-17:15 參觀雀仔園內各藝術品
李綺琪 Gigi Lee
李銳奮 Frank Lei
呂澤強 LUI chak keong
李綺琪 Gigi Lee
蔣禎耘 Hope Chiang
范世康 Fan Sai Hong
郭倩齊 Carol Kwok
施援程 Cora Si
袁志偉 Un Chi Wai
郝元春 Yolanda Kog
Aquino da Silva
外地藝術家 Foreign Artists
黃榮臻 WayNe Wong
廖杰敏 Jiemin Liao
BairroHorta da Mitra-based Community Art Project - Art Lands on the Bird Paradise
Warehouse will inauguratethe“BairroHorta da Mitra-based Community Art Project 2013– Art Sparks on the Bird
Paradise”4pm November 3, Sunday, atthe Ancestral Temple of FokTak.
The event is jointly organized by Ox Warehouse andFokTak Temple ofBairroHorta
da Mitraand sponsored by the Cultural Affairs Bureau
of Macao, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao and the Macau Foundation.
Please note that the talk“Dialogues between Community and Art” will be
held earlier, at 2:30pm. After the opening ceremony will start the first garden
party under this project, with curators and artists guidingguests on an‘art
treasure hunt’, absolutely not to be missed!
does art suddenly sparks on this old neighbourhood?In fact, “Art
Sparks on the Bird Paradise”has been in the making for over one year. The whole idea maturedin late
2012 and project starting to materialize in June 2013, and now it’s timeto
showcase its productions.
The whole project was done quietly, from
approaching and trying to involve the artists and people working or living in
the area, to infusing art into people’s daily routines.In this way,
graduallymore and more workscame up,marking its presence in the streets, shops
and corners, in a vivid statement that art could be everywhere, sittingstill,
just waiting to be discovered.
The event is sponsored by Ox Warehouse. Sponsored by the Macao IACM, Cultural
Affairs Bureau of Macao SAR & Macao Foundation. The whole project is
freely open to the public and it will run until 31December 2013.
For enquiries:
2853 0026
2853 3047
Programme on opening day,November 3:
2:30 pm Talk: Dialogues between Community and Art
4:00 pm Opening ceremony
4:30-5:15 pm Guided visit to
artspotsin BairroHorta da Mitra
李綺琪 Gigi Lee
Local Artists
李銳奮 Frank Lei
呂澤強 LUI chak keong
李綺琪 Gigi Lee
蔣禎耘 Hope Chiang
范世康 Fan Sai Hong
郭倩齊 Carol Kwok
施援程 Cora Si
袁志偉 Un Chi Wai
郝元春 Yolanda Kog
Aquino da Silva
Foreign Artists
黃榮臻 WayNe Wong
廖杰敏 Jiemin Liao
注意: 供導賞日期由11月15日至12月19日.