「雲雲」──梁祖賢,黃健 豪觀念攝影作品展

雲雲──梁祖賢,黃健 豪觀念攝影作品展
“Van Van”── Conceptual Photography works by Joein Leong, Icarus Wong

牛 房倉庫將於810(星 期六)下午六時三十分,舉行雲 雲──梁祖賢,黃健 豪觀念攝影作品展 開幕活動,這 次展覽是本地兩 位年青藝術家黃健豪和梁祖賢以他們一位親人作為創作主題,並以攝影這個媒介將其觀念視覺化。他們的作品會集中在影像拍攝前對觀念主題的探 索和思考,讓捕捉 影像那一刻已帶有主動和明確想法。作品的「美」不只是來自照片的構圖和色調,而是拍攝者與被攝對象之間一連串深刻的情感呈現。
兩 位創作人都是畢業於澳門理工學院設計課程,從學生時代到現在,一直都熱衷於運用攝影機的鏡頭去演繹他們對世界的看法。與此同時,也多次參 加各項藝術活動,並與不同界別的創作人合作,是澳門藝術文化環境的生力軍。
是 次展覽活動由牛房倉庫藝術空間主辦,民政總署贊助,於牛房倉庫二樓展廳舉行,展期至929日,免費參觀,歡迎巿民出席參與。牛房倉庫位於澳門美副將大馬路 與提督馬路交界,開放時間為中午十二時至晚上七時,逢星期二休息。查詢可電2853 0026或電郵至oxwarehouse@gmail.com, 亦可瀏覽牛房網址http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com/

Ox Warehouse will inaugurate “Van Van”─Conceptual Photography by Joein Leong and Icarus Wong, on Saturday August 10,at 6:30pm. The exhibition showcases conceptual photography works by two Macau young artists, each featuring a relative of theirs. The worksfocus on previous exploration and deliberation of a conceptual theme, so that distinctive, subjective ideas are incorporated on the photos at the actual shooting. This way, the aesthetic beauty derives not only from composition and tonality, but comprises profound, emotional relationships between photographer and subject.

Having both graduated from the Macao Polytechnic Institute, the two have been keen on using photography to interpret their worldview ever since their schooldays. Besides,as anemerging generation in Macau’s arts scene,they have participated in various art events and cooperated with creative types in different fields.

Organized by the Ox Warehouse Art Space and sponsored by IACM, the exhibition takes place at the art space’s 2nd floor gallery and will run until September 29, 2013, open to the public from 12am to 7pm (except Tuesday) with free admission. Ox Warehouse address: No Cruzamento entre a Avenida do Coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda, Macau. For enquiries please call 2853 0026 or email oxwarehouse@gmail.com. For more information please visit http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com/.


