Time ‧Space‧ Flow ── International Contemporary Art Exhibition
開幕 / Opening Time:15 / 12/2007 , 15:00
There are too many unknown facts in this age. 16 different notions of “Time”, “Space”,” Flow” of 16 artists from different cities with different background. In the same space, at the same time, they are going to show 16 interpretations of “Time flowing in space”.參展藝術家 / Participate Artists :
王佳琪(台灣 / Taiwan);王振安(台灣 / Taiwan);李少莊(澳門 / Macao);李民中(台灣 / Taiwan);何群妹(澳門 / Macao); 林月娥(澳門 / Macao);林維瑜(台灣 / Taiwan);曾玉冰(台灣 / Taiwan);黃文勇(台灣 / Taiwan);唐唐發(台灣 / Taiwan);陳奕彰(台灣 / Taiwan);鐘靜雯(香港 / Hong Kong);Fernando António Pires Madeira (葡萄牙 / Portugal);Predi Sonderegger (瑞士 / Switzerland);Keiko Iyama (日本 / Japan);Mae Leong (加拿大 / Canada)
展期 / Exhibition Period ―― 15/12/2007—10/02/2008
地點 / Location:牛房倉庫Ox warehouse
主辦 / Organization: 婆仔屋藝術空間 / Old Ladies’ House Art Space
贊助 / Sponsor: 民政總署; 澳門基金會 / ICAM; Macao Foundation
查詢 / For request: 28530026 (12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays)
E -mail: oxwarehouse@gmil.com
Website: http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com/

There are too many unknown facts in this age. 16 different notions of “Time”, “Space”,” Flow” of 16 artists from different cities with different background. In the same space, at the same time, they are going to show 16 interpretations of “Time flowing in space”.參展藝術家 / Participate Artists :
王佳琪(台灣 / Taiwan);王振安(台灣 / Taiwan);李少莊(澳門 / Macao);李民中(台灣 / Taiwan);何群妹(澳門 / Macao); 林月娥(澳門 / Macao);林維瑜(台灣 / Taiwan);曾玉冰(台灣 / Taiwan);黃文勇(台灣 / Taiwan);唐唐發(台灣 / Taiwan);陳奕彰(台灣 / Taiwan);鐘靜雯(香港 / Hong Kong);Fernando António Pires Madeira (葡萄牙 / Portugal);Predi Sonderegger (瑞士 / Switzerland);Keiko Iyama (日本 / Japan);Mae Leong (加拿大 / Canada)
展期 / Exhibition Period ―― 15/12/2007—10/02/2008
地點 / Location:牛房倉庫Ox warehouse
主辦 / Organization: 婆仔屋藝術空間 / Old Ladies’ House Art Space
贊助 / Sponsor: 民政總署; 澳門基金會 / ICAM; Macao Foundation
查詢 / For request: 28530026 (12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays)
E -mail: oxwarehouse@gmil.com
Website: http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com/