駐場藝術家計劃:一條航線——馮曉峰個人作品展 Artist-in-Residence Program: A Route: Feng Xiaofeng Solo Exhibition

藝術家 Artist:馮曉峰 Feng XiaoFeng
策展人 Curator:唐重 Chong Tong



Feng Xiaofeng, the current artist-in-residence at Ox Warehouse, Macao, is a young sculptor. In recent years, with his creation focusing on multimedia interventions into sculptures, he uses musical instruments, installations, sounds, furniture or everyday objects as well as other elements and methods to create artworks, re-deconstructing their attributes and definitions, thus blurring the objects’ original attributes, and with artistic languages, turning them into things of new definitions. Through exploring sound and visual arts, he defines his own artistic direction with sounds, time and image.

In this residency program, Feng Xiaofeng makes an exploration using sound art, mainly using such elements as local opera or objects, through the movement of the record player. When the original track deviates, new sounds are produced. The artist then records the movement and sounds in video, and finally accomplishes his work in the format of video installation. Feng’s sculptures, installations and video works constitute an exploration of societal and development trajectories that serves to link his imagination of the past and the future outwardly and inwardly in an artistic way.

展覽地點 Exhibition Venue:後牛房實驗場地面展廳(澳門和隆街十五號)Post - Ox Warehouse Experimental Site GF (Rua do Volong, No.15, Macau) 

開幕 Opening Ceremony23/10/2020(星期五晚 Friday),18:30

展期 Exhibition Period24/10/2020 - 06/12/2020(逢星期一休息 Closed on Mondays
開放時間 Opening Hours12:00 - 19:00

主辦 Organisation:牛房倉庫Ox Warehouse 

贊助 Sponsors:澳門文化局Instituto Cultural de Macau、澳門基金會Macao Foundation

獨家媒體支持 Single Cyber Media Support:灣區之下Beyond the Bay

查詢 For enquiry28530026 (12:00 - 19:00,逢星期一休息Closed on Mondays)
電郵 E-mailoxwarehouse@gmail.com
網址 Websitehttp://www.oxwarehouse.blogspot.com
