他和她和他和她——洋小漫個人作品展Everywhere and Anywhere——Yang’s Solo Exhibition
藝術新人類計劃 New Art People Project
Everywhere and Anywhere——Yang’s Solo Exhibition
“Sketching is the most
direct response to what I see through my eyes. In sketching, the lines jump,
the picture flows, and everything become matter of factly evident. But
afterwards, what can be taken away or left behind? In recent years, my life has
become different. In the face of such changes, I tried to reorganize it.
Fragmental as it still is, I have managed to piece together life itself.”
Warehouse’s New Art People Project aims to nurture a new generation of young
artists by providing them with a space for bold attempts and experimentations. This
time, we invited Macao young illustrator YANG to host a solo exhibition, where
she will explore, through a new visual approach, the possibilities of illustration
as an artistic language. YANG has a BA, with a major in English literature,
completing her studies with a MA in Illustration from the University for
Creative Arts in England. In this exhibition, through the interaction of
illustration and space in a dialogue with herself, YANG presents her personal
emotional experiences as well as a kind of alienated and lonely state of mind
shared by urban dwellers.
策展人 Curator:梁飛燕 Leong Fei In
開幕 Opening Ceremony:26/06/2019(星期三 Wednesday),18:30
展期 Exhibition Period:27/06/2019 - 04/08/2019
展覽地點 Exhibition Venue:後牛房實驗場二樓(和隆街15號)Post - Ox Warehouse Experimental
Site - 2F (Rua do Volong, no. 15, Macau)
開放時間 Opening Hours:12:00 - 19:00(逢星期一休息 Closed on Mondays)
主辦 Organisation:牛房倉庫Ox Warehouse
贊助 Sponsor:文化局IC、澳門基金會Fundação Macau
獨家媒體支持 Single Cyber Media Support:灣區之下Beyond the Bay
查詢 For enquiry:28530026 (12:00 - 19:00,逢星期一休息Closed on Mondays)
電郵 E-mail:oxwarehouse@gmail.com
網址 Website:http://www.oxwarehouse.blogspot.com
微信公眾號WeChat Official Accounts:oxwarehousemacau