朗讀空間計畫 Space Reader : 灣澳填寫 Fill in The one hour
朗讀空間計畫 Space Reader: 灣澳填寫 Fill in The one hour
此次駐進澳門後牛房空間,以「灣澳填寫」為計畫標題。分別取台「灣」及「澳」門二字,由成員各自不同面向的觀察,將台灣的生活與澳門駐村經驗,進行比較、詮釋、演繹,試圖描繪一種連繫的可能關係。而填寫既能是展覽作品於空間上的填入,於英文中將灣澳諧音譯為one hour,也有表演與觀看經驗於時間上充滿之意。將整棟空間作為表演場域,多條時間軸線發生於空間各處,觀眾可以任意穿梭於其中,組織各自觀看的敘事。
美國舞蹈家、電影導演依凡 · 瑞娜(Yvonne
Space Reader was formed in 2016 by a group of young creative persons in
Taiwan, aimed at carrying out collective creative experiments and research
projects, with different types of creators being invited for each project.
The concerned creative form is a combination of installation and
performance, where an installation becomes not just an object to be
appreciated, but an artwork that connects with the audience and performers, as
well as with their actual shared experiences from impromptu interactions. The aim is to explore the possibilities of
different read/response forms in the actual space and in the creator's inner
space through the lightest yet most spontaneous
bodily actions.
American dancer and film director Yvonne Rainer said: "No dance
work is a single idea or narrative, but rather a subtle blend of diverse
elements, determining the nature of the whole experience."
This idea coincides with the concept of Space Reader’s projects. Each
creator searches for the sketching of his/her body through space or objects. We are not dancers, but
we dance in space. A performance installation or an installation
黃萱 Huang Xuan(台灣,Taiwan)
姚玟 Yao Min(台灣,Taiwan)
曾詠琇 Zeng Yong-Xiu(台灣,Taiwan)
蔣宇傑 Jiang Yu-Jie(台灣,Taiwan)
策展人Curator:蔡國傑 Cai Guo
展覽地點 Exhibition Venue:後牛房實驗場(澳門和隆街十五號)Post-Ox
Warehouse Experimental Site (Rua do Volong, No.15, Macau).
開幕Opening ceremony:16/03/2019
(星期六 Saturday),18:30
演出 Live Performance:16-17/03/2019
(星期六及日 Saturday and Sunday), 19:00
展期Exhibition period:17/03/2019- 28/04/2019 (逢星期一休息 Closed on Mondays)
開放時間 Opening Hours:12:00-19:00
展期Exhibition period:17/03/2019- 28/04/2019 (逢星期一休息 Closed on Mondays)
開放時間 Opening Hours:12:00-19:00
主辦 Organisation:牛房倉庫Ox
查詢 For enquiry : 28530026 (
12:00 ~19:00, 逢星期一休息Closed on Mondays)
電郵 E-mail:oxwarehouse@gmail.com
網址Website: http://www.oxwarehouse.blogspot.com
電郵 E-mail:oxwarehouse@gmail.com
網址Website: http://www.oxwarehouse.blogspot.com