EXiM 2017-兩岸四地實驗動畫活動 Cross-Straits Experimental Animation Festival
今年EXiM再次邀請中國大陸、香港、台灣和澳門本地作品同場交流,兩岸四地雖同屬中華文化,但四個地區因歷史的背景和發展而衍生出各自不同的社會意識形態。今天,也看到四地各自面對著不同的社會議題。無論歷史脈絡和當下的社會景況都必然會以不同形式啓發或影響藝術創作。這次放映活動不僅可以觀瞻藝術家精彩的影像創作外,在某種程度上也可藉著作品對各地現今的社會狀況一探究竟,也可嘗試去細看和體會四地作品的相似和差異。而EXiM 2017擬定動畫類型為策展方向,有見近年電子數碼設備和軟件的普及,越來越多的動畫創作湧現,當中不乏有優秀的實驗作品,正如中國大陸策展人曹愷在其策展論述所提及:「就像一座高速運轉的實驗室」;而策展人石昌杰講述台灣動畫創作狀況時:「無論從量或質的方面來看,都有著令人驚艷的表現!」,這也是為何今屆EXiM放映活動專注動畫創作。
感謝曹愷、文晶瑩和石昌杰三位策展人再一次為EXiM策展放映節目,他們都是當代藝術和實驗影像範疇的重量級人物,參與推廣策劃和教學之時,又持續進行藝術創作。曹愷,除了主理多個影像的學術研究外,還是歷屆「中國獨立影像」年度展的靈魂人物。而文晶瑩其藝術成就多年來在香港或國際都被受認可,更以獨立策展人身分推廣香港實驗影像創作。石昌杰作為台灣獨立動畫創作先鋒,持續和積極投身在台灣的動畫教育和推廣,甚至以影像去書寫台灣的動畫發展。他們三位為今年活動揀選34齣作品,連同澳門4齣作品,成就了EXiM 2017--兩岸四地實驗動畫活動。
EXiM 2017已是第七屆了,不知是否因「七年之癢」的魔咒,本藝團迎來一個令人非常沮喪的消息,就是於2017年9月30日要撤離牛房倉庫,意味著我們往後需另覓場地舉辦活動。由於撤離至今,我們還未能找到合適而租金相宜的固定空間,因此,今年EXiM以借場的形式移師到澳門藝術博物館演講廳舉辦。
EXiM 總策劃 李少莊
It has been a decade since 2007 when Ox Warehouse art space decided to include the promotion of experimental moving image and video art in its annual programming. In 2011, with the official launch of EXiM, Ox Warehouse continued to further promote these fields, besides other related exchange activities to foster collective reflection and exchange on a long term basis.
This year, EXiM once again invites artists from the four regions across the strait (China, HK, Taiwan and Macao) to showcase their works and for exchange. These four Chinese regions have their own historical backgrounds, development levels and different social ideologies, which certainly inspire or influence artistic creation in different ways in each region. This screening offers a chance not only to view wonderful cinematic creations but also, to some extent, to have a glimpse of the respective social conditions through the featured works, while trying to appraise and understand similarities and differences among the different productions from the four regions.
Considering that a wider availability of electronic and digital devices and software has spawned ever more animation productions in recent years – and a few excellent experimental works – EXiM 2017 has chosen animation as its main theme. Chinese mainland curator Cao Kai says that today’s animation “is like a hectic laboratory” and when depicting Taiwan’s case, curator Shih Chang Jay says animation productions “are very impressive both in quality and quantity", which might explain why this edition of EXiM focuses on screening animations.
I’m grateful to the three curators, Cao Kai, Phoebe Man and Shih Chang Jay for once again curating the screening of EXiM programmes. All the three are very seasoned in the fields of contemporary art and experimental cinema, and besides involving themselves in the promotion and curating of events they still find time to teach and persist in artistic creation. Cao Kai, apart from being in charge of academic research, has been also the driving force of the previous editions of the China Independent Film Festival (CIFF).
Over the years, Phoebe Man’s artistic achievements have been recognized both in Hong Kong and internationally, and as an independent curator she also promotes experimental film creation in Hong Kong.
Shih Chang Jay, as a pioneer creative of Taiwan's independent animation, has been actively dedicated to relevant education and promotion in the island, even using video to record Taiwan's animation development.
In addition to the four works from Macao, the three curators have selected 34 works for this edition, which constitute the EXiM 2017 – Cross-Strait Experimental Animation Festival.
This year marks EXiM’s 7th edition. We are not sure whether it’s related to “the curse of the seven year itch”, but Ox Warehouse had to move out of its old premises on September 30, and has been looking since then for an alternative venue. So far we haven’t found any proper space with a reasonable rental, and therefore this year EXiM will be held at the Auditorium of the Macao Museum of Art (MAM), sponsored by Macao Foundation.
EXiM Executive Curator
Bianca Lei
Bianca Lei
EXiM 2017-兩岸四地實驗動畫活動
Cross-Straits Experimental Animation Festival
Museum Auditorium, Macao Museum of Art
Av. Xian Xing Hai, Macao
11月17, 18 & 19日 November 17, 18 & 19
Cross-Straits Experimental Animation Festival
Museum Auditorium, Macao Museum of Art
Av. Xian Xing Hai, Macao
11月17, 18 & 19日 November 17, 18 & 19
免費入場 Free Admission
主辦 Organizer:牛房倉庫 Ox Warehouse
贊助 Sponsor:澳門基金會 Macao Foundation
查詢 For Enquiry : 28530026
電郵 E-mail:oxwarehouse@gmail.c om
網址Website: http:// eximacau.blogspot.com/
主辦 Organizer:牛房倉庫 Ox Warehouse
贊助 Sponsor:澳門基金會 Macao Foundation
查詢 For Enquiry : 28530026
電郵 E-mail:oxwarehouse@gmail.c
網址Website: http://