牛房劇季2016-形體劇場演出《人民英雄》|Ox Warehouse Theatre Series 《People’s Hero》

英雄者,捨己為人、光明磊落、為國為民、不屈不撓、義逼雲天、伸張正義、有容乃大、深明大義、胸懷大志、視死如歸、智勇雙全、嫉惡如仇、十全十美、見義勇爲、敢作敢當、不同凡響 ⋯⋯ 當年女媧鍊石補青天、后羿射九日、大禹神力治水、岳飛精忠報國⋯⋯ 然後呢?


本地形體劇場編導莫倩婷與香港形體創作人吳紹熙,曾不約而同到歐洲修習Jacques Lecoq的形體劇場創作方法和表演技巧。是次首次合作,二人以鲁迅的《故事新編》為藍本,並取材自古往今來的民間典故,運用形體劇場、面具、劇偶、物件、多媒體等呈現元素,刻劃英雄眾生相。

票價: MOP150
購票優惠:65歲以上長者及學生 可獲8折
早早鳥優惠: 10月30日前購買可獲8折
卓劇場「劇場工房 - 從面具角色進入形體編作密集訓練工作坊」
形體劇場編作技巧與過程 ——樂寇式的集體即興創作工具箱

演員 :莫倩婷,吳紹熙
執行舞台監督 :劉芷蕙
主辦: 牛房倉庫
製作: 石頭公社

贊助 :澳門特別行政區政府文化局 澳門基金會

Heros are of altruism, honorable, righteous, ambitious, unafraid of death, wise and brave, perfect, courageous, daring, extraordinary…… Goddess Nuwa mended heaven thus saved the whole human species; Hou Yi shot nine suns; Dayu healed the flood with his supernatural power; Yue Fei’s loyality to his fellow country is unquestionable; and…… what comes after?

We need heros in chaos and even need them more in prosperous time. However, how do we know what do these heroes look like? Do they just look like one of us? Who crafted they faces on the statues? Who created their allusions?

In this new productions, local physical theatre director Jenny Mok partners with physical and mask artist Larry Ng from HK. Inspired by Lu Hsun’s Old Tales Retold, they create this new physical theatre piece by taking different references from folklores and stories of Chinese heros, re-creating new allusions of heros. Elements such as objects, puppetry, multimedia, masks, etc, will be used.

Ticket: MOP150
Discounts: Senior Citizens aged 65 or above and students enjoy a 20% discount
Mega Early Bird Discount: 40% off before 2/10
Super Early Bird Discount: 20% off before 30/10
Early Bird Discount: 15% off before 20/11
20% off for participants of the following workshops:
Dirks Theatre’s “Theatre Workshop - From Masks to Movement Devising Intensive Training Workshop”
“Body・Towards A Poetic Path” Movement and Voice Creation and Techniques Workshop
Devising Techiques and Process in Physical Theatre ----Tool Kit Collaborative Creation through Improvisation from the Lecoq Approach
Group, each purchase of 5 or more tickets enjoys a 20% discount
* Discounts above cannot be used together for one purchase

Director:Jenny Mok
Dramaturgy:Larry Ng
Performers:Jenny Mok, Larry Ng
Lighting Design: Ivan Chan
Producer:Sarah Sun
Stage Manager:Patrick Lei
Deputy Stage Manager:Mirabella Lao
Organizer: Ox Warehouse
Produced by: Comuna De Pedra

Sponsor:  ICM、 Macao Foundation 

