駐場藝術家計劃 2016「愛的日常 春風秋雨又三年──陳偉江寫真展」

駐場藝術家計劃 2016
Artist-in-Residence Programme 2016

Weathers of Love - Photo Exhibition by Chan Wai Kwong

「愛的日常 春風秋雨又三年」是「日常的愛」延續篇,集合香港寫真家陳偉江從影以來對自身、生活及愛的一種表現,單純又直白,包含成年人的孤獨、憤世、情慾、親情、愛情、友愛,自戀等等的個人情感。三百多張黑白手沖相片滿布展場,由上到下再由左到右,帶出強烈的視覺衝擊。無論好的壞的,那都是他的生活及思緒的一部份,不加修飾。在言語及視覺上,過份坦誠及露骨不是社會表面上能接受,大家在隱藏心裡最真誠的事實。而在這個展覽裡,你可以看到陳偉江對你最真最赤裸的呈現。


'Weathers of Love’ is the sequel to ‘Love of Daily Lifes’, a full retrospective collection of Hong Kong photographer Chan Wai Kwong’s reflection on his self, life and love. The works are simple narratives revealing an adult’s solitude, cynicism, sexuality, as well as family bonds, love, friendship and narcissism. 
Nearly 300 black-and-white, hand developed photos are displayed, from top to bottom, left to right, creating a strong visual impact. Regardless of their quality, they are a true and unadorned part of his life and emotional universe. In terms of visual language, being too candid or plainly straight forward isn’t always well accepted by society, as almost everybody is hiding real truth close to heart. But in this showcase, we can see Chan revealed, true and bare. 

During the exhibition, the WC at Ox Warehouse’s 2nd floor has been turned into a darkroom, where every Saturday afternoon Chan Wai Kwong will develop his prints. Interested parties are welcome to join him. Also, the artist will select one of the participants to take over the darkroom equipment, which will be returned upon completion of the artist-in-residence programme.

黑房沖曬の公開 Darkroom Demonstration
時間 Time / 2016/4/23,30; 5/7,14,21 15:00-18:00
報名及查詢 Reservation & Enquiry / 28530026

藝術家介紹 Artist Biography
陳偉江1976年出生於香港。1988-89年就讀香港九龍新法書院初中一年級,同年輟學。2010年開始發表個人作品,至今自資出版15本攝影集及舉辦7個個人展覽。2016年東京Zen Foto Gallery為其出版攝影集《 油麻地》及舉辦同名個人展覽。本年4月將於澳門展出作品「愛的日常 春風秋雨又三年」。
Chan Wai Kwong was born in Hong Kong in 1976. He left school at an early age and began to publish his works in 2010. To date Chan has self-published fifteen photography books. In 2016, Zen Foto Gallery (Tokyo) published "Yaumetei" and curated a solo exhibition for Chan under the same title. He had seven other solo exhibitions and the upcoming one will be held in Macau titled "Weathers of Love".

個人網站 Personal Websitehttp://suckphoto.hk/

策展人Curator:施援程 Cora Si Wun Cheng

開幕 Opening Ceremony16/4/2016(星期六 Saturday4:00 P.M.
分享會 Sharing Session16/4/2016 4:30 P.M.
展期 Exhibition Period16/4–22/5/2016 (逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays
地點 Venue:牛房倉庫二樓 2nd Floor of Ox Warehouse

免費入場 Free Admission

主辦Organization:牛房倉庫Ox Warehouse
贊助 Sponsors:澳門文化局 ICM、澳門基金會 Macao Foundation
No Cruzamento da Avenidado Coronel MesquitacomaAvenida Almirante Lacerda Macau
開放時間Opening Hours12:00 ~19:00(逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays
查詢 For Enquiry : 28530026

電郵 E-mailoxwarehouse@gmail.com
