「寫真發情」 ── 公雞攝影同人誌展 “Moist and Salty” – GALO Fanzine Photo Exhibition

「寫真發情」 ── 公雞攝影同人誌展 
“Moist and Salty” – GALO Fanzine Photo Exhibition 

場地 Venue:牛房倉庫 Ox Warehouse
展覽日期 Exhibition period:12/3/2016 —1/5/2016
開幕時間Opening ceremony:12/3/2016 7:00PM


此展覽之起始,係於2011年於澳門土炮製作的《公雞》攝影同人誌。適逢今年第二期的出版計劃,藉此發起今次以「寫真發情」為主題的攝影展。仍於深受中平卓馬(Takuma Nakahira)於1968年日本發起攝影季刊《挑釁》(Provoke), 以及岑允逸(Dustin Shum)、楊德銘(Paul Yeung)和黃勤帶(Wong Kan Tai)等攝影師於香港創立的《麻雀》同人志之精神感染,加上不滿於澳門當下苦悶的攝影現狀,《公雞》攝影同人誌企圖透過此次展覽,在此自洋得意的沙漠小城,投下一顆關於「攝影」的未爆彈。

「可以想像,可以期待《公雞》攝影同人誌,將要成為一個他們所處時代的墓誌銘,同時是個里程碑,標示前面更廣濶的自由。」 - 黃勤帶 (擷取自第一期之序言)






The exhibition originated from a local photo fanzine “GALO” first published in 2011. To welcome the second issue, it comes to a photo exhibition with the theme “moist and salty”. Influenced by Takuma Nakahira’s photography quarterly “Provoke” in 1968 in Japan and Hong Kong photography magazine “Mahjong” founded by Dustin Shum, Paul Yeung, Karl Chiu and Wong Kan Tai in 2010, photographers from “GALO”, who are weary of dullness in local photography, is trying to plant a unexploded bomb into this cultural deserted city.

“I can image and anticipate that GALO is becoming an epitaph of their time, as well as a milestone, which foresees a wider freedom.” — Wong Kan Tai (quoted from preface of debut issue)

“Moist and salty” is like desire and behaviour driven by emotional impulse, transmitted through lens to the universe. Therefore there might not be stunning composition as expected, nor any middle-class artsy delight, more of that are raw and boring, or ugly but delicate images, which contains personal emotions, murmur and rebellion of youth.

“Why exhibit these pictures?”
“Because you need a shock.”

If rebellion in photography is lost, it’s better to be fall apart. Such a revolt might be in vain, but it is the utmost sincere aspiration of taking pictures. Even though a great deal of sincerity is absolutely fatal or considered to be anti-secular, one should go upstream and reveal it nakedly. Mission of a picture is completed only after the ceremony of being viewed and re-emerge. This exhibition will once again explore the origin of taking pictures, so no further explanations here anymore, you will feel it with a heart of having rendezvous.

If you are gratified or dissatisfied, please take it out on pictures anytime, we will provide fully support and encouragement.

開幕Opening Ceremony:12/3/2016(星期六 Saturday)晚上7時 7:00 P.M.
展期Exhibition period:13/3/2016–1/5/2016 (逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesday)
地點Venue:牛房倉庫 Ox Warehouse

免費入場 Free Admission

參展藝術家 Participating Artists:
Gotoo│陳慧雯 Crystal Chan Wai Man│Carolina Neves Rodrigues│約奧 João│卓文傑 Kit Cheok│林鍵均Penny Lam│歐陽永鋒Mike Ao Ieong Weng Fong│歐陽富 Ao Ieong Fu│黃祺昌 Wong Kei Cheong│黃霐雴Wang Lap Wong (Rusty Fox)│徐遇 Choi U

策展人Curator:閒人公社Comuna de Han-Ian

主辦Organization:牛房倉庫Ox Warehouse
贊助Sponsors:澳門特別行政區政府文化局 ICM 澳門基金會Macau Foundation
No Cruzamento da Avenida do Coronel Mesquita com a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau

開放時間Opening Hours:12:00 ~19:00 (逢星期二休息Closed on Tuesdays)
查詢 For Enquiry : 28530026
電郵 E-mail:oxwarehouse@gmail.com
