UWAGA! 都市藝術及文字造型設計工作坊招生

Workshop Typography & Urban Art


Ox Warehouse is hosting Portuguese art organization DEMO this October. They will introduce a brand new way to re-interpret Urban Art, and we can all be part of it!
How do citizens nowadays get their voices heard in the public space? The answer is UWAGA!, a multidisciplinary project that uses urban art to embark on a performatic journey and to directly approach people on the streets. Its goals are to amplify people's opinions about the city they dwell in, and to give those opinions a public dimension by including them visually in the space in which they are uttered.



The main goal of this workshop is to give tools on typography to create an original type and to develop a three-dimensional object with cardboard boxes to install in the city.

The workshop will include:
-Short background history on typography and urban art, including examples developed by DEMO collective;
-Discussion and sharing of individual knowledge on the themes;
-Research on the typographic objects and other shapes present in Macau (architecture, maps, urban furniture, etc);
-Create an original alphabet that reflects the city's specific typographic and architectural features;
-Survey on the public space to devise the artistic intervention using cardboard material;
-Development of one individual work and one grand scale installation in the city by the collective;
-Installation of the several art objects created by the trainees in places throughout the city;

17th October(五 Fri)19:30 - 21:30
18th -19th October(六、日 Sat & Sun)14:30-18:30
22nd – 24th October (三至五 Wed to Fri) 19:30-22:30
25th -26th October (六、日 Sat & Sun) 14:30-18:30
27th – 31st October (一至五 Mon to Fri) 19:30-22:30*
1st – 2nd Nov (六、日 Sat & Sun)*

Individual circumstances might affect the schedule of the creation and presentation stages.

工作坊地點 Workshop Venue :牛房倉庫 Ox Wareouse

語言 Language : 工作坊將以英語進行 English

費用 Fee: MOP300

即日起可於牛房倉庫報名,聯絡及查詢可致電28530026 / 電郵 oxwarehouse@gmail.com。


講座 TALK:

UWAGA! 是一個於公共空間進行的藝術表演, 通過互動讓市民或遊客發聲、直接表達他們對城市的看法或意見。這個讓大眾對在地城市的看法展演於空間的計劃,曾先後於波蘭及葡國進行,將會在澳門進行。

DEMO 創辦人之一Gil MAC及Cláudio Vidal 於10月17日晚上7時半在牛房倉庫舉行講座, 分享他們在不同城市實行UWAGA!這計劃點滴。

費用全免, 留座請電28530026.

UWAGA! is a performance that uses public space to allow citizens/visitors to voice their opinions and views on the city, inviting them to participate and interact, inviting the population to speak up their minds on the city hosting the project. UWAGA! has been hosted in Poland and Portugal, and going to arrive Macau soon.

DEMO co-founder Gil Mac and Cláudio Vidal will share their idea and experiences of the project at 7:30 pm, 17th Oct 2014 in Ox Warehouse.

Free Admission, please contact 28530026 for reservation.


主辦 Organisation:牛房倉庫 OxWarehouse
贊助 Sponsors:澳門特區政府民政總署 IACM 澳門基金會 Macao Foundation
No CruzamentoentroaAvenida Do coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau
開放時間Opening Hours:12:00 ~19:00 (Closed on Tuesdays)
查詢 For enquiry : 28530026
電郵 E-mail:oxwarehouse@gmail.com
網址website: http://www.oxwarehouse.blogspot.com/

