樹-攝影展的主要目的讓觀者從展覽的佈置及作品啟發獨自的觀感, 進而讓觀者從所看發展個人思想。在經歷每個空間的個人旅程後, 作者邀請觀者帶三張從 “樹” 中在每間房間的感受及想法相關的相片。


所以在獻上他的 “樹”後, Isaac Pereira 希望你們能將三張你認為與這個展覽相關的3張相片作為禮物。而在編輯過程中亦會運用安裝在各房間中 “樹的贈言”的字。

這活動亦會開放FACEBOOK的電子版本, 讓那些不能到現場, 亦願意參與成為樹項目的一部份的人。

注: 相片應以下尺寸和特點為佳

-最佳尺寸是: 18.2 X 13.1 CM
-網上活動: 相片需為JPEG格式, 解像度為300DPI 和最大高度為1200DPI
而照片可傳到pereira.isaac@gmail.com 或 oxwarehouse@gmail.com

Isaac Pereira


The main purpose of TREE exhibition is leading the viewer to establish an organic touch with the body of work presented in the installation and, by doing so, enables the viewer to create his own thoughts on what he is seeing. After an intimate journey inside each compartment, the author also invites the visitant to bring three pictures, one per room , related with the material he sees and with the feelings and thoughts he gets by seeing the TREE.

The goal is to invite the viewer, by adding his personal photographs to take part in the exhibition. In this sense, the TREE disposes on the wall outside the compartments – with a whole of 25 gray wood boxes – will be filled during a collective session and a editing process, this coming August 8th 20014, 3 pm.

So, after giving his own TREE, Isaac Pereira is asking for your gift in a form of 3 photographs that you consider related to your personal vision of the exhibition. The editing process will also deal with words left in the “Box of Tree words” installed in each part of the installation.

This event will also take place under a digital version, in facebook platform for those who, can not be present, and would like to join and take part of the TREE project.

Note: the photographs should have the optimal following sizes and characteristics:

. Can be monochrome or color.
. Can be printed in any type of paper. (digital photo paper is better)
. The optimal size is: 18,2 cm x 13.1cm.
. For the Worldwide event: photographs in JPEG format 300dpi resolution and 1200 dpi on the highest size.
. photographs should be send to pereira.isaac@gmail.com and to oxwarehouse@gmail.com

Please share this event. Thanks.
Isaac Pereira
