牛房講場第二場 - 非傳統營銷──Kim Kim Gallery經營理念分享

牛房12月講座第二場-非傳統營銷(Kim Kim Gallery經營理念分享) December talks of Oxwarehouse

牛 房倉庫繼上周日舉辦"如何做展覽導賞"的講座後, 本周日12月15日再接再勵, "非傳統營銷──Kim Kim Gallery經營理念分享", 講師Gregory Maass and Nayoungim將分享如何以非營利模式經營的畫廊,歡迎藝術愛好者及有興趣人士出席, 免費入場, 查詢請電28530026.

題目:非傳統營銷──Kim Kim Gallery經營理念分享
時間:2013年12月15日 15:00
講座語言:英語 設現場廣東話翻譯

Gregory Maass and Nayoungim分別來自德國及韓國,2009年他們曾參與牛房倉庫舉辦的“駐場藝術家”計劃,並舉辦名為“You got to be like water”的藝術展覽及工作坊,為本地觀眾留下深刻的印象。這次他們再次來澳舉辦講座,除了介紹他們最新的作品外,還會分享他們自2008年開始共同經 營Kim Kim Gallery的經驗,這間以非營利模式經營的畫廊,打破一般畫廊傳統的營銷方式,針對作品的特性,融合策展、展覽設計、編輯的方法來運營屬於他們的畫 廊,並在近年多個國際及當地展覽和活動中獲得了肯定。

A Sharing: Unconventional Marketing–The Business Concept Behind The Success of Kim Kim Gallery
Time: 15:00, December 15, 2013
Language: English ( Cantonese interpretation )

Gregory Maass and Nayoungim are artists, one from Germany, the other Korea. In 2009, they participated in the ‘Artist-in-Residence’ programme organised by Ox Warehouse, thereby hosting their exhibition entitled “You got to be like water” and a workshop that impressed local audiences.

This time the duo returns to Macao to give a talk. They will, apart from introducing their recent works, share with us their experiences in co-managing the Kim Kim Gallery, a collaborative project started in 2008. This not-for-profit gallery has pursued an innovative and unconventional marketing approach different from more ordinary galleries, in that Gregory Maass and Nayoungim would, based on the artwork’s characteristics, combine curating, exhibition design and editing, to operate their own gallery. This unique approach has proved successful, with the gallery receiving wide acclaim in both local and international circuits.

Profile of speakers:

Nayoungim (Nayoung Kim) & Gregory Maass

1991-96; L'École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France
1984-87; Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Gregory Maass
1998-2000: Jan Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, Holland
1993-94: L'Institut des Hautes Études en Arts Plastiques, Paris, France
1991-95: L'École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France
1991-92: University of Sorbonne (Philosophy), Paris, France
