牛房倉庫將於2013年4月7日下午4時為 「尋城記 - 澳門珠海當代藝術作品展」進行開 幕。澳門與珠海,一衣帶水,交往頻繁,縱然兩座城市的人文氣息有所不同,可居住在城裡的人們相互並不陌生。本是同根同源,情若手 足,同是一個小漁村,在近代的社會演變和文化風俗的呈現中,走出了兩條不同風格的道路,是相知相識,卻帶有幾分朦朧。城市面貌的變更,從 平房到高樓,城市的輪廓也在急促地在移動,當我們遊走其中,城市角落的消失已成了一種慣性的回憶,面對新的事物和資訊,並不理會人們的感 受和需要,仿如過客,接受與丟棄也成了人們慣性的動作。是次展覽,希望通過藝術家對澳門和珠海兩地不同角度的探討和表達,增進澳珠兩地的 藝術文化交流,從而以不同的觀點去了解兩地的社會形態。
展 覽作品以當代藝術表達,讓藝術家以不同的形式創作,主要在澳門及珠海兩地分別邀請約七位的藝術家參與,並展出適合是次展覽主題的作品共約 三十五件,與藝術家和觀眾進行交流和欣賞。
展 期由2013年4月8日至5月26日(12:00-19:00, 逢 星期二休館), 歡迎藝術愛好者及市民大眾免費參觀。
詳 情可瀏覽http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com/ 或 登入牛房倉庫facebook。
查詢請電郵致oxwarehouse@gmail.com 或 致電28530026
參 展藝術家
策 劃人
展 覽場館
澳 門美副將大馬路與提督馬路交界
牛 房倉庫大倉展廳
主 辦
牛 房倉庫
贊 助
民 政總署
City Discovery: Macao-Zhuhai Contemporary Arts Exhibition
Ox Warehouse opensCity Discovery: Macao-Zhuhai Contemporary Arts Exhibition on 7thApril 2013, at 4 pm.
Fourteen artists, sevenfrom Macao and seven from Zhuhai, were invited to create contemporary artworks in different forms. Those works fitting the exhibition theme are showcased to enable artistic exchange.
Neighbouring cities Macao and Zhuhaienjoy frequent exchange in all areas. Despite the different cultures,residents of the two cities are familiar with each other.
Actually, Macao and Zhuhai were, originally, small fishing villagespart of the same Chinese county, with brotherly relations. Nevertheless, in the modern-day social and cultural evolution, the twin cities followed two very different paths.
Nowadays,residents ofMacao and Zhuhaiseem to know and understand each other, but this is somewhatfaint. The cities’ urban landscapes are always changing, with skyscrapers replacing one-storey buildings. Simultaneously, their skylines are under dramatic transformation. Walkingaround the ever-changing city, we get used to seeing familiar spots disappearing one after the other.We could only revisit them in our memories. And yet innovations and information come and go at a fast pace, in disregard of the population’s feelings and needs,the residents have adopted as a normal behaviour the use or discarding of goods.
With thisin mind, this exhibition was organisedto allow for theMacao and Zhuhai artists to explore their cities, and express their ideas,from different angles,hoping topromote exchanges in art and culture between the two cities, while allowing people from different urban backgrounds to better understand their different social landscapes.
The exhibition will be open to the public until 26thMay (opening hours: 12 pm to 7 pm, closed on Tuesdays). Art aficionados and interested citizens are welcome to visit. Admission is free.
For more information, please visit http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com/ or follow Ox Warehouse on Facebook.
For enquiries, please email:oxwarehouse@gmail.com or call us at 28530026.
Participating artists:
Seven Macao artists and seven Zhuhai artists
Tong Chong
Venue: Gallery Ox Warehouse (No CruzamentoentroaAvenida Do coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau)
Ox Warehouse