牛房劇季2012 - 游移的家鄉


點象藝術協會 + Hayan Theatre
Travelling Hometown
Point View Art Association + Hayan Theatre
Multi-disciplinary (Performs in Cantonese, Mandarin & Korean with English Subtitle)

Premier Performance首演
7-8/12/2012 (20:00)
9/12/2012 (15:00)

Hong Kong香港
14-15/12/2012 (20:00)
Hong Kong Fringe Club

Co-Produced by 聯合製作
Seoul Fringe Network (Seoul)
Point View Art Association (Macao)
Fringe Club (Hong Kong)
Ox-Warehouse (Macao)

Supported by 資助
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Korea Arts Management Service
Doosan Art Center

Cultural Affair Bureau of Macau S.A.R.


《游移的家鄉》 是由旅居生活在他方的兩位藝術家 蔣禎耘和楊芝媛所提議的計畫。秉持著「藝術家“真正的護照”是創作,國籍身份實為“次要”」的信念,兩方製作人因而參與了此項計畫。

禎耘和芝媛都離開自己的出生地,定居在一個更能發展自身藝術創作的陌生城市 創作上,兩人不僅皆為自發性的移民藝術家,更有物件劇場的背景,並同樣對視覺藝術有著濃厚的興趣。
2011年起,禎耘和芝媛開始探訪舊及新的“家”鄉 首爾/台北及澳門/倫敦。旅途上,她兩開始提問,探討當代的城人關係。

About collaboration
Travelling Hometown was proposed by two diaspora artists – Hope Chiang (Macao/ Taipei) and Jiwon Yang (London/Seoul). The producers joined to their initiative with a belief - the artist’s nationality is ‘of secondary importance’ and the art is ‘his real passport.’

Hope and Jiwon, both left birth cities and settled in new cities where they found good for developing their own artistic creativity. Besides working as voluntary migrant artists, they also have common backgrounds of an object theatre with strong interest on visual arts.
Since 2011, Jiwon and Hope are visiting old and new “home” cities – Seoul/Taipei and Macao/London. On a journey, they are questioning the relationship between a city and a human in contemporary era.



Collaborator: Hope Chiang
Since moving to Macau in 2003, Hope Chiang has been working in arts and culture away from her home in Taiwan. She has studied in the U.K. and stayed for varying periods of time in Spain, Thailand, Russia and Korea for cultural exchange projects. Reflecting on the relationship between the person and the society, Hope is especially interested in the ideas of “home” and “hometown,” and how the individual’s old habits and new thinking is shaped in the changing environment.

About Travelling Hometown
My hometown in my first protection. Everything I hear about it is in my memories. If I could call it the place of memories, then the home I move to elsewhere is the dream. My dream is as vast as my memories are huge. They both grow in me, and I them, probably. It’s been over ten years since I left home, and the picture of my hometown is no longer clear in my mind. Instead, I’m often more concerned about building the ideal home in the city I’ve moved to. When I left many years ago, I had no idea I was going away for such a long time. Now, through the creating of this performance, I take a close look at myself and those like me: Why do we leave? Why do we stay in the foreign land? What have we got, or not, in common? Or, is there some universal value in this? I may not find answers to all too many questions here, but in the seeking, I feel that I am held tight by everything that is about hometown and home, and I feel immense happiness…

楊芝媛,韓籍藝術家暨研究者,現居倫敦與首爾。身為劇場人,芝媛主要關注的是空間、物件及物質的變形性(transfigurative nature),過去十年當中,她廣泛地運用了單一種物質做創作:紙材。她的表演作品有《馬克白的確謀殺了睡眠Macbeth Doth Murther Sleep》、《物質劇場:紙材Material Theatre: paper,》、《櫥櫃夢Cardboard Dreams,》、《紙雨Paper Rain,》、《東西的聲音:廁紙The Voice of Things: toilet paper,》、《紙質續隨子Paper Capers 》。

《游移的家鄉》談的是渴望自由、同時又想要安定的,處於閾限的狀態。我們夢想著遊走世界的無拘人生,像個天地旅人global trotter,永遠地年少。然而,一如天地間周遭萬物,身為自然界的一部份,我們必然會老化。也就是說,我們並不能完全地無拘無束,而是必須扎根於某個地方。從這個演出出發,我想做出一幅肖像,藉由物件和日常生活片斷,創造出畫面裡豐富的情緒風景。剛開始的時候,這或許是我的自畫像,但是最後,它會是我們共有的、只有在觀者心中完全的肖像。

Collaborator: Jiwon Yang
Jiwon Yang is a Korean artist and researcher working in Seoul and London. Her interests as theatre artist lie in the transfigurative nature of space, object and material.  For last decade, she has extensively worked on one material: paper. Her performances include Macbeth Doth Murther Sleep, Material Theatre: paper, Cardboard Dreams, Paper Rain, The Voice of Things: toilet paper, and Paper Capers.

About Travelling Hometown
Travelling Hometown is about liminal state of yearning to be free and wanting to settle down at the same time. We dream of a wireless life moving around the whole world, like a global trotter fully equipped, and forever young. However, as being a part of nature, we do grow old like everything else surrounding us.  Say, in reality, we cannot go fully wire-free. We have to root in somewhere. From this performance, I deliver a portrait full of emotional landscapes created through objects and everyday actions. It was probably my self portrait in the first place. But in the end it is our portrait only to be completed in viewer's mind.

概念 / 創作 / 導演 / 演出:蔣禎耘、楊芝媛
導演 / 燈光設計:馮國基


文化體育及旅遊部、韓國藝術經營支援中心、Doosan Art Center(韓國)
* 此計劃由2011年開始獲韓國藝術經營支援中心支持,並由 Doosan Art Centre的藝術發展實驗室計劃支援下於首爾進行作品發展及階段呈現。


牯嶺街小劇場, 台北國際藝術村(台北)
Sumin Ha, Eunha Noh, Bumgyu Park(首爾)



Concept / Writing / Directing / Performing: Hope Chiang, Jiwon Yang
Director / Lighting Designer: Gabriel Fung
Performer: Jeongyun Kang
Sound Designer: Youngjin Huh
Video Designer: Fish Ho
Costume Designer: Sandy Ho
Stage Manager: Nicholas Tang
Translator: Hyunsun Moon, Baiyi Sun
Producer: Min K. Shin, Erik Kuong

Co-produced by:
Seoul Fringe Network (Seoul), Point View Art Association (Macao), Fringe Club (Hong Kong), Ox-Warehouse (Macao)

Supported by:
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Korea Arts Management Service
Doosan Art Center
*      This project has been supported by KAMS Connection since 2011. A work-in-progress was developed with the support of 2012 Doosan Art Lab of Doosan Art Center in Seoul.

Cultural Affair Bureau of Macau S.A.R.

Special Thanks to:
Guling St. Avant-Garde Theatre, Taipei Artist Village(Taipei)
Sumin Ha, Eunha Noh, Bumgyu Park (Seoul)
Ka Yeun Kwok, CK Chan, Kaze Chan, Kaman Ip, Mae Wu, Gigi Lee (Macao)

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for everyone who has made this production possible.

2012牛房劇季 《游移的家鄉》
7-8/12/2012 (20:00)
9/12/2012 (15:00)

MOP60 (澳門全日制學生)


劇季贊助:澳門特區政府民政總署, 澳門基金會

開放時間:12:00 ~19:00 (逢星期二休息)
電話:(853) 2853 0026

7-8/12/2012 (20:00)
9/12/2012 (15:00)
MOP80 MOP60 (Macao full-time student)

Ox Warehouse
Pin-to Book Shop (1A, Veng Heng Largo do Senado, 31, Macao)
No. 47 Art Space (Rua Da Entena No. 47)

Organisation: OxWarehouse
Sponsors: IACM, Macau Foundation

Address: No Cruzamento entro a Avenida Do coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau
Opening Hours: 12:00 ~19:00 (Closed on Tuesdays)
Tel(853) 2853 0026

