牛房講場:點解搞咁多嘢? Why StirringThings Up?
OX Talk “Why Stirring Things Up?”
Guests: Chad Keveny, Nick Tai (戴永寧)
Host: Alice Kok (郭恬熙)
Date: 6th October 2012(Saturday)
Time: 16:00-18:00
Venue: Ox Backyard
繼法國、愛爾蘭駐澳門藝術家Chad Keveny之個人展覽《搞嘢》開幕後,牛房繼續邀請其為牛房講場現身說法,分享這位畫家在創作和畫畫時的心路歷程與狀態。並且,為了使是次講場更出火花,主辦單位決定「搞多D嘢」,同時邀請了剛於全藝社(AFA)開了個人展覽的本地畫家戴永寧同來「Jam一Jam」。在文化、語言和背景迴異的相遇下,兩位畫家會分別介紹各自的作品,然後透過是次主題《點解搞咁多嘢?》來與觀眾們一起進行討論與分享。不妨探討一下,畫家們是怎樣畫畫的?為什麼要畫畫?又為了誰去畫畫?
After the opening of the solo exhibition “Chad Stirs It Up” by the French/Irish artist Chad Keveny at the Ox Warehouse. Ox Talk has invited the artist to share with an audience on the creative path that he has undertaken. Moreover, in order to further “stirring things up”, we have also invited local artist Nick Tai to a sort of “Jam session” at the Ox Warehouse. Also a painter, Nick Tai has just opened his solo exhibition at the Art For All in Macao too. With different cultural and linguistic background, the two invited artists would begin the OX Talk with an introduction of their own works. And then there will be sharing and discussions among the artists and audience around of subject of “Why Stirring Things Up?” Let us look for some interesting answers for questions such as “How painters paint?” “Why they paint?” and “For whom they paint?”
The event is open for all! Free entry.
Chad Keveny
生於愛爾蘭的都柏林,Chad一半的人生都是在法國生活的,2004年於法國土魯茲高等藝術學校獲得法國國立藝術碩士學位,其後再回到了都柏林的Trinity College攻讀政治科學,並於2009年畢業。這些年,Chad周遊列國,如加拿大和波蘭等地,參加國際藝術活動和展覽等。現時Chad回到了法國的Toulouse居住,現為全職藝術家。Born in Dublin, Chad has spent half of his life living in France, where he got his Master Degree of Arts in l’Ecole Superieure des Beaux-arts in Toulouse in 2004, and then he went onto study Political Science in the Trinity College Dublin, where he graduated in 2009. During all these years, Chad has also travelled to Canada and Poland and other places for international art projects as well as art exhibitions. Chad is now based in Toulouse, where he is currently working as an artist.
出生於澳門,澳門理工學院藝術高等學校視覺藝術(教育專業)學士,並曾於香港大一設計藝術學院修讀專業室內設計文憑課程。現就職於香港室內設計有限公司,任室內設計師。另擔任澳門報刊之特約專欄作家,負責定期撰寫有關親子視覺藝術創作之文章。Nick Tai was born in Macau. He graduated from Macao Polytechnic Institute, Bachelor of Visual Arts (Art and Education) and got the Diploma program of professional interior design at First Institute of Art & Design, Hong Kong. He works for a Hong Kong Interior Design Co., Ltd. as an interior designer. Besides, he is also columnist for the newspaper in Macau, writing the articles about the visual art for parenting.