Mini Space Experimental Architecture Exhibition

        建築微型空間實驗作品展是牛房倉庫暑假期間舉辦的一個與空間有關的工作坊之成果展。這次短期工作坊牛房倉庫找來澳門年青建築師利安豪Rui Leao為導師,他從創作的角度出發引導學員認識“空間”的可能性,主張從一種探索的角度出發,首先去圍繞一些與結構、造型有些關係的點做試驗,故意不定下最終的呈現模式,而是在不斷的探索中發現或調整一些不同出發點的概念,而最終的所謂“作品”反而變得次要些。 
         This exhibition is to showcase the architectural experimentations done in summer, which are all mini-space creations. The local architect Rui Leao is our instructor for this mini space experimental architecture workshop. He led participants to explore different possibilities to create “spaces”, involving the tests of various structures and models. The “final work” is not the ultimate goal, but the constant experimentations or readjusting the starting concepts.

開幕日期Opening:2010/10/16 4:00 p.m.
展覽日期Exhibition Date:2010/10/16 - 11/21

彭志堅 Keith Pang
鄭佳琦 Kathy Cheang
陳錦翔 J Chan
林月娥 Ut Ngo Lam
杜雨陽 U Ieong To
顏建華 Kin Wa Ngan

地點 Location : 牛房倉庫 Ox Warehouse(美副將大馬路與罅些喇提督大馬路交界)
開放時間 Opening Hours : 12:00 - 7:00 p.m. 逢周二休息 Closed on Tuesdays
電話 Tel : (853)2853 0026
傳真 Fax : (853)2853 3047
電郵 E-mail : oxwarehouse@gmail.com
網頁 Website : http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com
推特 Twitter︰http://twitter.com/oxwarehouse
