

This’s Me! – Creative Works by Kit Pond and Kevin Lam

開幕時間 / Opening :

2009411(星期六/Saturday) 下午三時

3:00pm, 11 April 2009

展期 / Exhibition Period :


11 April to 24 May 2009


每個人的性格不同,而創作就是性格的表現,盤永傑(Kit Pond)與林家健(Kevin Lam)兩位未正式入讀藝術學校的青年,憑自學或參與一些短期課程而踏入了藝術之門。 盤永傑自小喜歡在功課簿上塗鴉,畫著畫著發展出個人的風格,用簡單的原子筆畫出繁複而鬼怪的幻想空間。林家健在這個數碼相機盛行的年代,反璞歸真以菲林相機拍出一幅幅的照片,那年少輕狂的歲月,那響往自由的生活態度,均能從相片中窺探出來!

Everyone has innate creativity hidden within us, independent of our education and social background. What makes the difference is whether or not we discover and develop it.

Different persons have different personalities. Creative activity will reveal one’s character. Never attending any formal art academy, the two young artists Kit Pond and Kevin Lam propel into the artistic world through self-educating and taking short term courses. Kit used to scrawling on his homework books, by which he gradually developed a personal style. Using a single ball pen he sketches out an eerie, complicated yet imaginative scope. Kevin has persisted in taking photos using traditional film camera in the e-era where digital camera prevails. His photos will let you have a peek into his young and passionate days and a life attitude craving for freedom.

參展藝術家 / Participated Artist:

盤永傑 / Kit Pond、林家健 / Kevin Lam


施援程 / Cora Si

主辦 / Organization

婆仔屋藝術空間 / Old Ladies’ House Art Space

贊助 / Sponsor:

民政總署/ IACM

地點 / Venue

牛房倉庫 / Ox Warehouse


No Cruzamento entro a Avenida do Coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau

開放時間 / Opening time12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays

巴士路線 / Bus Line : 11A33A456788A99A161723252626A28C323334

查詢 / For enquiry28530026 (12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays)

傳真/ Fax28533047

E –mailoxwarehouse@gmail.com

