我不在 3 - 多元集體創作展

我不在 3 多元集體創作展

I am Not There 3:Group Creative Exhibition

開幕時間 / Opening :

200953(星期日/Sunday) 下午三時

3:00pm, 3 May 2009

展期 / Exhibition Period :


3 May to 31 May 2009



「我不在3」將會延續2006年及2007年舉辦的「我不在」及「我不在2」,以集體創作形式展示, 通過一起參加工作坊,藝術家們一起交換意見並彼此啟發,也許會為藝術家們或觀賞者帶來新的啟發與感受。

More than often we are lost in creation, as much as being lost in life, wondering if we are pursing in the right direction. This is because creative people are always questioning about the reality: what ought to be and not to be done? What is the idealistic way? And the realistic? After all we cannot find the goals. The status of “I Am Not Being” seems like a kind of self-discovery, yet not exactly!

Shall creation be a personal or a collective thing? Is it a self-fulfilling process or one that must be recognized by other people? You possibly can’t find answers from this exhibition, just like when we are in the quest of something in our life. Yet the discovery process itself, through which we explore interpersonal relationships of trust, care and love, is a result of a microsociety.

I am not there 3 will be presented in a collective way following the “I Am Not Being I & II” in 2006 and 2007. By taking part in workshops, artists share ideas and inspire each other. Perhaps this approach would bring new inspiration and induce new feelings, for the artists and audience alike.

參展人 / Participating Artists

李銳 / Frank Lei,鄭冬 / Winter Cheng,梁頌燊 / Ryan Leung,王翊 / Jeff Wong,梁雅思 / Ivy Leong,郭恬熙 / Alice Kok,吳文桂 / Miguel Ng,施援程 / Cora Si

策展人 / Curator

施援程 / Cora Si

主辦 / Organization

婆仔屋藝術空間 / Old Ladies’ House Art Space

贊助 / Sponsor:

民政總署/ IACM


地點 / Venue

牛房倉庫 / Ox Warehouse


No Cruzamento entro a Avenida do Coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau

開放時間 / Opening time12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays

巴士路線 / Bus Line : 11A33A456788A99A161723252626A28C323334

查詢 / For enquiry28530026 (12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays)

傳真/ Fax28533047

E –mailoxwarehouse@gmail.com

