

Forum--Ox Re-exhibition in the Year of the Ox

時間:200938(星期日) 下午三時

Time: 8 March 2009 15:00


Venue: Ox warehouse Art space

就牛房倉庫現時的展覽「牛年牛又展 大家的回憶和願望」創作特展,牛房將舉行一次藝術家座談會,邀請是次展覽的參展藝術家共聚,一同分享大家的創作經驗及感受,除了讓藝術家互相交流外,亦能讓公眾增加對藝術創作的了解。是次活動歡迎有興趣的人士參與,免費入場。

As “Ox Re-exhibition in the Year of the Ox”, Ox warehouse will organize a forum, especially for this topic, and we will invite the participated artists as well. The aims for organizing this forum, we want to share the creative experience, and thoughts through this exhibition. Beside the artists interchange their thoughts, we also want to the public come along, and understand more about the artistic creation and its process. Welcome to the public and free admission.
